I'm New...
I'm New
We want you to feel welcome, so we’ve tried to answer some of the most common questions a first time visitor might have.
Where is Immanuel Church?
We’re located at the corner of New and Church Streets in Glen Rock.
What Time is Church?
Worship begins at 9:30 am.
How Should I Dress?
Come as you are! At Immanuel Church you’ll find everything from jeans to business casual, to dresses to suits. You’ll fit in no matter what you wear.
Where do I park?
Parking is available in two lots located next to the church on New Street. If the lower lot next to the church looks full, there is another parking area beyond the garage. If you’re coming for Sunday worship, please enter the building through the doors adjacent to the parking area. Designated handicapped parking is available.
Will there be coffee?
Coffee and snacks are available in the Overflow Room.
What’s the worship service like?
Worship at Immanuel Church is a blend of contemporary, traditional, and liturgical worship forms. Communion is celebrated and shared on the first and third Sunday of each month.
What’s available for children and youth?
We rejoice when children join us in the sanctuary, and we have Nursery care available for children through age 4 during worship. Following worship, children are invited to Fun With the Son, an engaging hour long study designed to help your child know, grow, and show Christ.
Is the church accessible?
The entrance next to our parking area accommodates wheelchairs. Accessible restrooms are located next to the sanctuary, which is on the same level as the entrance. Large print hymnals and wireless hearing assistance units are available.
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Immanuel United Methodist Church has been actively involved with the greater Glen Rock community!. Our ongoing outreach has created a buzz in the media, and we’re really excited to share all the latest updates with you. Check out some of our recent headlines to catch up on everything that is happening in our community.