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Meet Our New Pastor!


Over the years, I’ve rung in the New Year all kinds of ways.


There were years I gathered at the church with our church youth group for a watchnight service followed by an all-night retreat that ended with prayer, study, fellowship, and breakfast at one of the parents’ homes. One of those years saw me driving home in a freshly fallen snow, while another had me sleeping through the finish of a storied bowl game after a pork and sauerkraut dinner with Aunt Isabel and her husband, Lester.


Other years saw us walking the streets of York to take in the music and the warmth of various venues or clearing my desk. Most years, we stayed home and snacked the old year away as we waited for the ball to drop us all into a verse of Auld Lang Syne along with resolves for fresh starts and renewed hopes; themes that resound in the New Year’s Day Scriptures read by churches in every corner of the world.


The first, Ecclesiastes 3, declares: For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven, which is to say that God wastes no time because God is in every time of our life.


The second, Psalm 8, celebrates the majesty of God and the dignity and care God bestows on each and every person: What are humans that you are mindful of them… Yet you have them a little lower than God and crown them with glory and honor.


The third, Revelation 21, brings to us to see year that ends all years, the life, and the hope of the day of when death is no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, because God will dwell with us as our God… and wipe every tear from our eyes.


The fourth, Mathew 25, Jesus invites us to carefully weigh our choices and the cost failing to care in light of the day when all the nations will be gathered before the Son of Man to be either welcomed into his glory or left in shame based on a choice to show kindness to another human being. Truly I tell you, the king will say to them all, just as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.”


Together these four Scriptures invite us to chart a path that resolves to live in love with God and with our neighbor by offering the hope of a new life in a new year.

Pastor Skip

(717) 235-1915

1 New St, Glen Rock, PA 17327, USA

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